在水泥混凝土路面基础上加铺沥青混凝土路面时 ,对现有板块破损的处理十分关键 ,而其中又以板块的脱空处治为最。板底注浆是处理板块脱空常用且有效的方法 ,本文就注浆技术的原理、材料的选择。
When adding to pave bituminous concrete pavement on the base of cement concrete pavement, to treat the damage of the existing slabs is very key, especially the de-hollow treatment of slabs and blocks. To pour at slab bottom is a usual and effective method for treating the de-hollow of slabs and blocks. The paper introduces in details the principle of the pouring technology, material selection, the test of mixture ratio as well construction practice etc.
Urban Roads Bridges & Flood Control