Chinese folk Literature has many schools in 20th century such as folksong -studying school,literature anthropology school,social-nationality school,ancient history differentiation mythology school,folklore school,folk literature school and Yan'an school.As the first one,folksong -studying school is a loose group in which those hold the point of view of rural research,likeGujiegang,Changhui,Dongzuobin;Taijinnong,Zhongjingwen,Luoxianglin,Baiqiming,Liu jing'an,are playing a leading role.This article argued that the thinking trend of rural research is the earliest and most productive school of Chinese folk literature in 20th century by taking Dongzuobin's motif study of Looking at her as a case.The achievements of Dongzuobin along with Gujiegang in theory and practice lay an initial theoretical basis for Chinese folk literature as an independent humanity science.The paper studies Dongzuobin's Chinese folk literature heritages and his historical status in four aspects: the introduction of motif and the practice of comparative study,the rise of home-song study conforming to the time,textual research and researcher;the try at the synthetical study pattern.
Journal of Northwestern Ethnic Studies