随着中国经济建设的高速发展 ,高等职业教育也呈现出蓬勃发展的趋势。陕西高等学校基础雄厚 ,为职业教育的发展提供了极大的方便和可利用资源。利用这一优势 ,陕西的高职教育一定会有特点的发展 ,为国家和社会培养千百万建设者和人才。
With the rapid development of economy in China,the vocational education expands on a large scale. The solid foundation of higher education in Shaanxi Province provides available advantages for vocational education. To make full use of the convenable resources of universities and institutes here will ensure the vocational education quality and train thousands of talents for the country and society.
Journal of Xi'an Foreign Languages University