Notch信号途径参与动物多种组织和器官尤其是神经系统的发育调节。 RBP-Jκ是 Notch信号途径中的关键分子 ,RAM7是近年通过酵母双杂交技术发现的与 RBP-Jκ相互作用的蛋白。本实验表达 RAM7C-末端 60 k D的多肽片段 ,并制备特异性的多克隆抗体 ,检测 RAM7在小鼠中枢神经系统的分布。结果显示 :RAM7主要呈细胞核染色 ,在中枢神经系统中广泛分布 ;尾壳核、丘脑室旁核、下丘脑室旁核、室周核等核团内没有 RAM7阳性神经元 ,但存在着一定数量的 RAM7阳性神经纤维 ;另有相当多 RAM7胞浆染色的细胞和神经元以及一些胶质细胞 ,局限在脑室和脑室周围的神经组织中。
Notch signaling pathway has an important role in the development of multi-tissue and multi-organ, especially in the regulation of the nervous system development in animals while RBP-Jκ is a key molecular in the Notch signaling pathway. RAM7, which is an interactive protein with RBP-Jκ, was found by the technique of yeast two-hybrid recently. In this study a C-terminal 60 kD polypeptide fragment of RAM7 was expressed and the specific polyclonal antibodies were raised against this fragment. The distribution mapping of RAM7 was detected in the nervous system of mouse by immunohistochemistry. The results displayed that the RAM7-immunoreactive neurons were throughout the central nervous system and the immunostaining structures mainly situated in the nuclei of neurons. In the regions, such as caudate putamen, paraventricular thalamic nucleus, paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, periventricular nucleus, there were a considerable fine staining nerve fibers, but no nucleus-staining neurons. Quite many cytoplasm-staining neurons and glia were limited in ventricular and subventricular regions. But it is still unknown what the physiological function of RAM7 is and why it is distributed like this in the nervous system in mouse.
Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy