在对布依族、仡佬族的调查中 ,民族民俗文化的汉化倾向是他们的共同特点。本文认为经济的发展 ,必然促进文化教育的发展 ,促进各民族文化的交融 ,从而壮大中华文化 ,这是历史发展的总趋势。但同时 ,人类的发展又是离不开多样性的。安顺作为贵州西部黄金旅游线上的明珠 ,其神奇的山水旅游地位极其重要。如何开发好现有的民族多样性文化 ,开展好地方民族风情旅游 ,是安顺经济腾飞的关键。因此 ,如何认识安顺市的民族文化交融 ,既保存现有民族文化的多样性 ,又促进经济的发展。这既是一个社会文化问题 ,也是一个经济发展的大问题 ,必须引起我们足够的重视。
Gelao natonality are the main minorities in Anshun district.Their folk customs are gradually mixing with the culture of Han nationality, and gradually begin losing their own independence and peculiarity of their nationalities culture,and in a district where the economic culture develops faster,this cultural combination will be more sufficient,and the extent of the culture of Han nationality will become deeper.Inevitablely it will promote the development of the cultural education and the combination of different minorite's culture,therefore it will make the grandness o chinese culture.At the same time,Human beings can't develop whthout the variety.Anshun is a bright pearl of the western travelling golden line,,the position of its supernatural scenery with hills and waters travelling is very important,How to exploit the present cultural variety and carry out local minority manners travelling is also the key problem of the development of Anshun economy.
Journal of Anshun Teachers College