
百合斑驳病毒浙江分离物的基因组3′端序列分析 被引量:5

Determination and Analysis of 3′ End Genomic Sequence of Two Lily mottle virus Isolates Occurred in Zhejiang Province
摘要 经RT PCR扩增从浙江丽水的亚洲百合 [Liliumcvs.(AsiaticHybrids) ]获得 2个Potyvirus病毒分离物G和X的 3′ 端cDNA片段 ,序列分析表明均为百合斑驳病毒 (Lilymottlevirus,LMoV) ;将 1 2个来源于不同地区百合与郁金香上的Potyvirus分离物进行序列同源性比较和系统进化树分析 ,结果表明G、X、ML6 1、1 2 2 9、2b、MD、HZ、J这 8个分离物的CP核苷酸序列同源性达 85 9%~ 1 0 0 % ,在进化树中聚集成簇 ,归为LMoV ;2b2、TM和TBV1 3个分离物同源性达 91 2 %~ 99 3% ,在进化树中也单独成簇 ,归为郁金香碎色病毒 (Tulipbreakingvirus,TBV) ;2b3与其它 1 1个分离物同源性在 74 4 %~ 79 8%之间 ,为伦布兰特郁金香碎色病毒 (Rembrandttulipbreakingvirus,ReTBV)。NIb基因序列和 3′ UTR序列分析也表明G、X、ML6 1、1 2 2 9、J、HZ这 6个分离物之间亲缘关系较近 ,属于LMoV ,而TM与它们的亲缘关系很远 ,属于TBV。LMoV分离物存在着两个群体 ,G和X分别处在第 1群体和第 2群体中 ,不表现地域相关性及寄主相关性。根据研究结果 ,将迄今世界各地侵染百合与郁金香的Potyvirus分离物归为LMoV、TBV和ReTBV3个种。 The cDNAs of 3′ end partial sequences of two Potyvirus isolates(G, X ) were cloned and determinated. Multiple alignments of these sequences showed that they belong to Lily mottle virus(LMoV). The sequence homologies, compared with twelve isolates of document references, suggested that the homologies of G, X, ML61, 1229, 2b, MD, HZ and J were 85.9% to 100% and these isolates always formed a distinct cluster in the phylogenetic tree topology, and these isolates were classified as LMoV. The homologies of 2b2、TM and TBV1 were 91 2% to 99 3%, and they were classified as Tulip breaking virus(TBV). The isolate of 2b3 had low homologies with others isolates, and it was classified along as Rembrandt tulip breaking virus(ReTBV). Sequence analysis on NIb nucleotide sequence and 3′-UTR nucleotide sequence of G, X, ML61, 1229, J, HZ and TM also suggested that the isolates of G, X, ML61, 1229, J, HZ belong to LMoV and TM belong to TBV. The isolates of LMoV had two subgroups. Isolates G and X were divided into different subgroups. But the subgroup determination of LMoV was not related to the host distribution and geological origination. According to our results, we divided all the reported Potyviruses infecting lily and tulip into three viruses, thus as LMoV, TBV and ReTBV.
出处 《微生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期386-389,共4页 Acta Microbiologica Sinica
基金 国家科技部农业科技成果转化专项 ( 0 2EFN2 13 3 0 0 2 69) 浙江省科技厅项目 ( 2 0 0 2Z3 2 12 8)~~
关键词 百合斑驳病毒 郁金香碎色病毒 伦布兰特郁金香碎色病毒 亚洲百合 序列分析 Lily mottle virus, Tulip breaking virus, Rembrandt tulip breaking virus, Lilium cvs.(Asiatic Hybrids), Sequence analysis
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