
北朱雀、燕雀和白腰朱顶雀的能量代谢特征和体温调节(英文) 被引量:7

Energetics and thermoregulation of the Carpodacus roseus, Fringilla montifringilla and Acanthis flammea
摘要 本实验采用封闭式流体压力呼吸计 ,测定了环境温度在 5 - 34℃范围内北朱雀 (Carpodacusroseus)、燕雀 (Fringillamontifringilla)和白腰朱顶雀 (Acanthisflammea)的耗氧量、热传导、体温等指标 ,探讨了其代谢产热特征。结果表明 :在环境温度 (Ta)为 5 - 30℃的范围内 ,北朱雀的体温基本维持恒定 ,平均体温为4 0 4 6± 0 1 0℃ ,热中性区为 2 2 5 - 2 7 5℃ ,基础代谢率为 4 30± 0 0 8mlO2 /(g·h) ;环境温度在 5 - 2 0℃范围内 ,代谢率 (MR)与Ta 呈负相关 ,回归方程为MR [mlO2 /(g·h) ]=9 34- 0 2 1Ta (℃ ) ;在此范围内 ,北朱雀的热传导率最低且基本保持恒定 ,平均为 0 2 4± 0 0 0mlO2 /(g·h·℃ )。在环境温度为 5 - 34℃的范围内 ,燕雀的体温基本保持稳定 ,为 4 0 4 0± 0 1 1℃ ,热中性区为 2 5 - 30℃ ,基础代谢率为 4 1 9± 0 0 5mlO2 /(g·h) ;环境温度在 5 - 2 5℃范围内 ,MR与Ta 的回归方程为 :MR [mlO2 / (g·h) ]=1 1 6 4 - 0 2 9Ta (℃ ) ;在 5- 30℃内 ,燕雀的热传导最低 ,平均为 0 2 9± 0 0 1mlO2 / (g·h·℃ )。白腰朱顶雀的热中性区为 2 5 - 2 8℃ ,平均体温为 4 0 4 8± 0 1 1℃ (5 - 34℃ ) ,最低代谢率为 4 4 5± 0 1 4mlO2 / (g·h) ,最低热传导为 0 We examined the physiological responses of pallass rosy finches Carpodacus roseus , bramblings Fringilla montifringilla and common redpolls Acanthis flammea to temperature by measuring their metabolic rate (calculated from oxygen consumption), body temperature and thermal conductance at a temperature range of 5-34℃. Oxygen consumption was measured using a closed circuit respirometer. The thermal neutral zones of pallass rosy finches, bramblings and common redpolls were 22 5-27 5℃, 25-30℃ and 25-28℃, respectively. The mean metabolic rates within thermal neutral zone of these species were 4 30±0 08, 4 19±0 05, and 4 45±0 14 ml O 2/(g·h), respectively, which are 118%, 135% and 191% of the expected value from their body mass, respectively. Mean body temperatures of pallass rosy finches, bramblings and common redpolls were 40 46±0 10℃, 40 40±0 11℃ and 40 48±0 11℃, respectively. Thermal conductances of pallass rosy finches, bramblings and common redpolls were 0 24±0 00, 0 29±0 01 and 0 30±0 01 ml O 2/(g·h·℃), respectively, representing 183%, 200% and 162% of the expected value based on their body mass. Below the lower critical temperature, the metabolic rate ( MR ) increased with declining ambient temperature ( T a) and the relationship between MR and T a was described as: MR [ml O 2/(g·h)]= 9 34-0 21 T a (℃) for pallass rosy finches, MR [ml O 2/(g·h)]= 11 64-0 29 T a (℃) for bramblings and MR [ml O 2/(g·h)]= 11 33-0 26 T a (℃) for common redpolls, respectively. The ecophysiological characteristics of these species are: high body temperature and metabolic rate, wide thermal neutral zone and low lower critical temperature and relatively high thermal conductance. These properties might make these species able to adapt to their environments and survive in relative cold areas in summer.
出处 《动物学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期357-363,共7页 ACTA ZOOLOGICA SINICA
关键词 北朱雀 燕雀 白腰朱顶雀 能量代谢 体温调节 基础代谢率 Pallas's rosy finches, Carpodacus roseus ,Bramblings, Fringilla montifringilla ,Common redpolls, Acanthis flammea , Basal metabolic rate,Thermal conductance,Thermoregulation
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