14 9 B是由水稻多胚苗SAR 2中筛选出来的自然发生的同源多倍体 ,体细胞鉴定为三倍体 (2n =36 )。以14 9 B做母本与水稻恢复系蜀恢 36 3(R36 3)杂交 ,在杂交F1代中发现有非整倍体和二倍体个体产生 ,其中部分二倍体的自交后代在田间农艺性状表现稳定。对这个稳定F2群体进行微卫星验证 ,结果表明 :F1和F2 群体 4 0个单株的扩增带型整齐一致 ,在各个SSR多态位点只出现一条同父或同母带 ,丢失了来自父本或母本的等位位点 ,说明该F2 群体确系由杂交得来的一个早代稳定群体。
Polyploid strain 149-B,that was generated naturally from a rice twin-seedling population SAR-2,has been determined as triploid(2n=36).It was then used as the female parent crossing with a normal diploid variety SH R363.From its F_2 generation we obtained a genetic-stable population.To prove the uniformity of such a population,SSR markers were used to survey the F_2 individual plants.The results showed that F_2 individuals carried only one parental molecular marker at each polymorphic locus,and their genotypes were identical with F_1 progeny.Based on the above experiments,we consider that this F_2 population is definitely an early-generation stable population.Meanwhile,we discussed the possible mechanism of the special phenomenon as well.
国家自然科学基金项目 (编号 :3 0 0 70 3 8)资助~~