
动态凝固Al-Ti-C中间合金组织与细化活性 被引量:1

Microstructure and Grain Refinement Performance of Dynamic Solidifying Al-Ti-C Master Alloy
摘要 采用CASTEX连续铸挤技术,对液 固反应法获得的Al Ti C中间合金熔体直接进行动态凝固成形,制备细化剂合金线材,计算模拟了动态凝固成形区的温度场和应力场,试验研究了动态凝固组织的形成机制及中间合金细化铝晶粒的特性。结果表明:熔体连续铸挤成形经历动态凝固、半固态挤压和塑性成形3个阶段,为动态凝固与成形过程;该过程对熔体的强烈剪切与热扰动作用,可改善中间合金的组织形态,显著提高其细化活性。 Utilizing liquid-castexed technology, grain refinement wire was prepared with Al-Ti-C master melts synthesized by melts-solid reacting.Finite element method was used to calculate the temperature field and stress field in dynamic solidifying and deforming zone. An investigation was carried out into the mechanism of microstructure forming and grain refinement performance of master alloys. It was found that liquid-castexed is a process of dynamic solidifying and forming composed of dynamic coagulating and semisolid-extruded and plastic deformation .The grain refinement activity of master alloys are explained by considering the subdivising and dispersing of phase TiAl_3 and phase TiC by shearing and thermal disturbance action on melt.
出处 《轻合金加工技术》 CAS 2004年第6期21-24,共4页 Light Alloy Fabrication Technology
关键词 CASTEX连续铸挤 AL-TI-C中间合金 动态凝固 细化活性 melt-castexing Al-Ti-C master alloys dynamic solidifying refinement activity
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