2Jane Knight, Trade Greep : The Implication of GATS for Higher Education Policy International Higher Education, The Boston College Center for International Higher Education,Number 28 Summer 2002. PS.
3OECD, CERI, Indicators on Internationalization and Trade of Post-secondary Education OECD/US Forum on trade in Education Services, 23-24, May 2002.
4OECD,CERI Trade, Education and the GATS : What's In, What's Out, What's All the Fuss About? OECD/US Forum on Trade in Education Services, 23 - 24, May 2002.
5ECD, CERI, Current Commitments Under the GATS in Educational Services, Prepared for the OECD/US Washington,DC,U. S. A 23-24 May 2002.
6Trade in Educational Services: Trends and Emerging Issues, By Kurt Larsen, John P. Martin, and Rosemary Morris,May 2002.
7International Higher Education. The Boston College Center for International Higher Education, Number 28- 29,2002.
8Complilation of the Legal Instruments on China's Accession to the World Trade Organization, Annex 9: Schedule of Specific Commitments on Services.