Yingshan- Miaotaizi area developed mainly two sets of gas source rocks in North Songliao Basin. Humic organic matter is mainly in deep gas source rock of Shahezi Formation, has reached the over- matured stage. Sapropel organic matter is mainly in middle- shallow gas source rock of Qingshankou Formation, at present has reached the immature to low- matured stage. Fuyang oil layer in this area have found gas fields of Sanzhan,Sizhan,Wuzhan etc;deep layer can only see natural gas shows. Based on study of gas geochemical characteristics,deep natural gas in this area is mainly coal- type gas; Fuyang oil layer natural gas is mainly mixed gas of coal- type and oil- type,at the same time there exist biogas and associated gas;Shaertu and Putaohua oil layer natural gas is mainly biogas.This paper calculates mixed gas ratio of Fuyang oil layer by carbon isotope value of methane.The result shows 39~81 percentage of the gas is from the coal- type gas of deep layer.The result is helpful for exploration of natural gas in the next stage.
Petroleum Geology & Oilfield Development in Daqing