

A new calculating method of dynamic parameter predicting model of sucker rod pumping system of directional well
摘要 基于定向井抽油杆柱微元体受力分析,综合考虑井眼轨迹、抽油杆柱结构和井下摩擦力,建立了定向井有杆抽油系统工况预测数学模型,给出了预测模型的上下边界条件、初始条件、连续性条件与数学模型隐式差分格式。实例计算表明,这种基于隐式差分解的数学模型能够准确预测定向井有杆抽油系统动态参数。 Based on the dynamics analysis of the rod string cell, the prediction mathematical model of the behavior of the sucker rod pumping system in directional well has been established by taking into account of the well trajectory,constituents and weight of the rod string and the down well friction force.The boundary condition,initial condition,continuity condition and the implicit differential method calculation of the mathematical model are given.It is proved that the mathematical model based on the implicit differential method calculation can exactly predict the dynamic parameters of the sucker rod pumping system by the actual example.
出处 《大庆石油地质与开发》 CAS CSCD 2004年第3期61-64,共4页 Petroleum Geology & Oilfield Development in Daqing
关键词 定向井 有杆抽油系统 预测 数学模型 隐式差分 directional well sucker rod pumping system prediction mathematical model implicit differential
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