叶澜教授在师生关系方面的研究思想从 2 0世纪 80年代末的“发展主体”到今天的“新基础教育”思想大体经历了四个不同的发展阶段 ,其间的研究脉络不仅透析出整个教育理论界关于师生关系的研究历程与发展方向 ,也向我们展示了其富有人格魅力的教育精神和理念。
Professor Yenan's studying idea on the relations bet ween teacher and student has undergone about four stages from develop-body since late 1980s to new primary education today. The skeleton of her study shows the studying course and direction on the teacher-student's relations all over the fi eld of education theory,her education spirit and ideal with glamorous personali ty as well.
Journal of Huaihua University