目的 查清浙江省地方性砷中毒分布状况 ,为制定防治措施提供科学资料。方法 采用全省水质资料及线索调查相结合的方法。结果 在过去水砷含量 >0 0 5~ 0 0 7mg/L的洲泉 (原青石 )等 8个乡镇的人群中发现轻度患者 1例 ,可疑患者 2例。在水砷含量 <0 0 1mg/L的石门乡人群调查尚未发现可疑患者。本次 (1998~ 2 0 0 2年 )全省检测饮用水水样 2 0 0份 ,水砷含量均 <0 0 5mg/L。结论 本次调查未发现居民饮用水源砷含量 >0 0 5mg/L的区域。历史高砷水源的青石乡发现个别散在性地方性砷中毒患者 。
Objective To investigate the distribution status of endemic arseniasis in Zhejiang province for the sake of providing scientific data for building the preventive measures. Methods A clue survey combined with data of water quality surveillance was adopted. Results In Zhouquan and other 7 towns where water arsenicum contents were higher than 0 05~0 07mg/L, 1 patient with low grade arseniasis and 2 suspicious patients were detected, and no suspicious patients were found in Shimen town where water arsenicum content was lower than 0 01mg/L.200 drinking water samples from whole province (1998 2002) were examined, of which the arsenicum contents were all below 0 05mg/L.Conclusions No areas where water arsenicum contents were over 0 05mg/L are detected. There are a few sporadic cases of endemic arseniasis in Qingshi town, a historical area of high arsenicum content in water, and a follow up study on long term effect is needed.
Zhejiang Journal of Preventive Medicine