
金融资源论:对金融功能观与金融机构观的综合研究 被引量:34

Theory of Financial Resource:A Comprehensive Study of Financial Function View and Financial Institution View
摘要 金融资源论的提出是对金融基础理论研究的一次重大挑战。从金融机构观向金融功能观的演进是金融理论对现实世界变化的一种回应,金融资源论的提出同样是如此。金融资源的三个层次其实可以分为实体部分和功能部分,这两部分的主要内容和研究思路分别与金融机构观和金融功能观相对应。由此可见,在金融资源论与金融机构观和金融功能观之间存在着某种逻辑联系,即金融资源论是对金融机构观与金融功能观的一种综合,具有更为开阔的理论研究视角。这既为金融资源论构建了更为坚实的理论基础,也为金融资源论的进一步完善拓展了空间。 The advance of the theory of financial resources is a great challenge to the study of financial fundamentals.Just as the shift from financial institutional view to financial functional view is a response of financial theory to the changing world,so is the launch of the theory of financial resources.The three levels of financial resources,as it is,can be divided into entity part and functional part,the two correspond with financial institutional view and financial functional view in terms of research content and directions.Therefore,some logical relation exists between the theory of financial resources on one hand and financial institutional view and financial functional view on the other.In other words,the theory of financial resources is a synthesis of two views,which provides a wider angle of theoretical probe and lays a solid foundation for the theory of financial resources to expand and improve.
出处 《金融论坛》 CSSCI 2004年第6期3-8,共6页 Finance Forum
关键词 金融资源论 金融功能观 金融机构观 金融体系结构 finance the theory of financial resources financial functional view financial institutional view
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