王国维在美学思考起步伊始就从《红楼梦》“接着讲” ,目光远大 ,思想敏捷。前人忽视了《红楼梦》与民族的精神底蕴的内在关系的角度 ,忽视了《红楼梦》作为民族的伟大灵魂苏醒与再生的史诗的一面 ,而王国维正是由此入手 ,进入《红楼梦》所开创的灵魂的维度 ,尤其是进入对于“第三种悲剧”即“悲剧之悲剧”的揭示 ,从而开创了一种阐释《红楼梦》的新的可能性。但是 ,在经由人与灵魂的维度进入悲剧之后 ,他却转而寻求“解脱” 。
The moment he started pondering on aesthetics, Wang Guowei developed the essential thought of Dream of the Red Chamber. Before him, no scholar had discovered the internal tie between the novel and national spirit; no scholar had realized that the classic was an epic of the revival of the great national spirit. Yet Wang Guowei focused on what had been ignored by others, meditating on the spiritual dimension created by Dream of the Red Chamber. He added a new dimension to interpret the novel, especially when he revealed “the third kind of tragedies”, or “the tragedy of the tragedy.' However, overwhelmed by the tragic complex, he turned to seek for “mukti,' which leaved much regret to his aesthetic reflection.
Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Humanities and Social Sciences)
Dream of the Red Chamber
man and soul
the tragedy of the tragedy