研究高温型和中温型等多种活性染料对锦纶的上染固色情况 ,分析上染温度、染色介质的酸碱度对活性染料上染的影响 ,得出了最佳染色工艺条件。通过测试其染深性和色牢度 ,发现锦纶用活性染料染色 ,能得到优异的皂洗及干、湿摩擦牢度 ,但其染深性不够理想。
In this article, the dyeing behaviors of various kinds of reactive dyes on polyamide fabric, and the influences of dyeing temperature, pH values on the fixation of reactive dyes were investigated in detail. The optimum condition of dyeing was obtained. In addition, the color fastness and dye depth were examined. It was found that the fabrics dyed with reactive dyes possess excellent wash fastness and dry and wet rubbing fastness, but the dye depth is not good.
China Dyeing and Finishing