良渚文化“神微”图案中的“神面纹”经考应为“傩面” ,即最古的头画 ,并非巫之真面目。这种戴面具的巫形象早已见于法国等旧石器时代的洞穴壁画上 ,其具代表性的有“鹿角巫师”、“羚羊人”等壁画。我国堪当玉傩面像者始出于石家河文化肖家屋脊6号棺 ,它以人面獠牙为特征 ,确为非人、非兽、非巫、非神的傩面具———头。继之 ,商、西周墓各出一件玉傩面 ,经考 ,其年代属夏至商前期 (公元前 2 1世纪 -公元前 1 5世纪 )。外国尚有由若干件玉傩面组成的系列化玉傩面像群。
The author thinks god face desin appeared in Liangzhu culture should be Jade exorcism mask which is the earliest Qi Tou picture,not the real wizard's face.The picture of wizard with mask was discovered on the cave murals in France in Paleolithic period.Among these murals the pictures of antler wizard and people acting antelope were characteristic.The earliest jade exorcism mask picture was excavated at No.6 stone coffin of Xiaojiawuji in Shijiahe culture.Human face and tusk are characteristic in the mask picture.Afterwords,two jade exorcism masks in the tombs of the Shang and Western Zhou dynasties were discoverd.The time of the two pieces are proved during the Xia dynasty to the early Shang dynasty.Several jade exorcism masks were also discovered overseas. Key words:Jade exorcism mask;Qi Tou mask;anther wizard;people acting antelope;exorcism mask design in Liangzhu culture
Cultural Relics of Central China
Jade exorcism mask
Qi Tou mask
anther wizard
people acting antelope
exorcism mask design in Liangzhu culture