
利用改进微粒群算法优化PID参数 被引量:14

Optimizing PID Parameters by Using Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
摘要 出一种利用改进微粒群算法优化PID参数的方法。微粒群算法 (PSO)是一种随机全局优化技术 ,算法通过微粒间的相互作用发现复杂搜索空间中的最优区域 ,算法简单、容易实现且功能强大。将PSO算法加以改进并应用在PID控制器的参数优化 ,经仿真证明了PSO算法的有效性 。 A method of optimizing PID parameter by using improved particle swarm optimization algorithm is stated. Particle swarm optimization(PSO) algorithm is a random global optimization technology. Through interaction between particles, the algorithm found the optimal area in complicate searching space. The algorithm features simple, ease to implement and powerful function. PSO algorithm has been improved and used inPID controller to optimize parameters. The simulation verified the effectiveness of PSO algorithm and shown that its performance is better than genetic algorithm and conventional experience formula.
作者 汪新星 张明
出处 《自动化仪表》 CAS 北大核心 2004年第2期19-22,共4页 Process Automation Instrumentation
关键词 PID控制器 微粒群算法 参数优化 随机全局优化 PSO PID controller Particle swarm optimization algorithm Parameter optimization
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