
光谱法研究钢铁表面彩色Mo-S-Fe簇合物膜 被引量:7

Studies on the coloured Mo-S-Fe cluster compound films on steel surface by spectroscopy
摘要 研究MoS42 -在钢铁表面发生配位反应形成的具有装饰效果的多种彩色Mo S Fe簇合物膜。FT IR、F IR、FT Raman、XPS和AES分析表明 ,簇合物膜以Fe(Ⅲ )、Mo(Ⅵ )状态存在 ,膜内层以Fe(Ⅱ )、Mo(Ⅳ )和Mo(Ⅵ )共存 ,S和O都呈 - 2价 ,膜表面含少量 +4、+6价硫。从AES深度分布曲线的组成恒定区求得各组成元素的相对原子百分比浓度和膜层厚度 ,反应时间越长 ,膜越厚 ,膜为多分子层结构。加热后膜层所含元素种类及价态不变 ,但元素分布有所改变。 Mo-S-Fe cluster compound films with decorative colours was formed by the coordination reactions of MoS_4^(2-) on the surface of steel.The results of FT-IR,F-IR,FT-Raman,XPS and AES analyses showed that the cluster films were composed of the elements Fe,Mo,S and O.Fe existed as Fe(Ⅲ)and Mo as Mo(Ⅵ)on the surface of the films,but as Fe(Ⅱ),Mo(Ⅳ)and Mo(Ⅵ)in the internal layer of the films,S and O as -2 valence states.There also existed a little of sulfur of +4 and +6 valences on the surface of the films.The relative atomic percent contents and the thickness of the films were calculated at the constant elemental composition section on the AES profile curves.The longer the reaction time,the thicker the films.A multimolecular layer structure of the films was verified.With regard to the heated films,their composition and valence states of the elements were unchanged,while their structure and the elemental disperse were changed.
作者 李道华
出处 《化学研究与应用》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期350-352,F003,共4页 Chemical Research and Application
基金 四川省教育厅自然科学基金重点项目 (2 0 0 2A114 ) 四川省教育厅青年基金资助项目 (2 0 0 0 -B3 3 )
关键词 钢铁 彩色Mo-S-Fe簇合物膜 配位反应 光谱法 金属表面钝化剂 形成机理 surface steel coordination chemical reaction Mo-S-Fe cluster compound films FT-IR F-IR FT-Raman XPS AES.
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