This article demonstrates that an antimonopoly law is enacted to safeguard 'fair and free' competition order of the market and to assure of the full function of the market mechanism in distributing and allocating limited social resources reasonably and efficiently. Therefore, we shall, legislatively, set up general principles of the 'illegality' judgment and special law enforcement system. In deciding the mode of regulating monopoly, we shall set up rules mainly against 'behavioral monopoly or monopolization' with passive 'structural monopoly' control serves as the subsidiary. Moreover, 'Pre - merger Notification' shall be based on the appropriate 'Size of parties or transactions', which is always determined on the basis of 'annual sales volume'. An antimonopoly law can only be taken as an expedience for 'administrative monopoly'. The final resolution of administrative monopoly hangs upon the further reform of ad ministerial system. Finally, we advocate that China's antimonopoly agency should be 'administrative Model' not 'Law Enforcement Model' and the special enforcement procedure shall be set in law.
China Legal Science