
中国银杏的种核类型及其特征 被引量:27

Seed Types and Their Relative Characteristics in Ginkgo biloba of China
摘要 银杏种内变异较大。 2 0世纪 5 0年代起 ,通过广泛调查、收集我国银杏的核用品种资源 ,对种实不同发育时期的组织结构及形态特征进行了解剖观察。主要根据种实的珠托、种核的形状、长、宽、厚及种核两侧、顶端的特征 ,将银杏种核分为长子、佛指、马铃、梅核、圆子 5种类型 ,并确定了隶属于各个类型的主要栽培品种。通过对每一类型的种核重、核形指数及种仁中干物质、直链淀粉、支链淀粉、淀粉、粗蛋白、可溶性糖、氢氰酸含量的分析 ,对种核品质作了鉴评 ,为银杏核用品种资源的利用和改良提供了依据。 Ginkgo biloba shows great variabilities within species. From 1950's, its seed_purpose cultivar resources in China were investigated and collected, and the seed anatomical structure and morphological characters at different development stages were observed. According to the shape, length, width and thickness of ovule bracket and seed stone, as well as the characteristics of both sides and top of the stone, the seed stones of G. biloba have been divided into five types, i. e., long_stone, buddha_finger, horse_bell, mume_stone and round_stone types, and the main cultivars belonging to different types were also listed. The stone weight, the index of stone shape, and the contents of dry matter, amylose, amylopectin, starch, rough protein, soluble sugar and hydrocyanic acid in seed kernel were measured for each type, and the qualities of seed stone were appraised. These provided a foundation for the improvement and utilization of female plant resources in G. biloba.
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期66-70,共5页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金 国家林业部重点科研项目"银杏早果丰产优质及综合利用研究" 国家标准制定项目"银杏核用产品质量等级"[林科发 ( 2 0 0 2 )3 5 9号 ]的研究内容之一
关键词 中国银杏 种核类型 生长发育 形态特征 品质 组织结构 Ginkgo biloba, Seed Stone, Shape and Structure, Quality, Type
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