近代江苏区域工业结构最明显的差异是南轻北重 :苏南等地以纺织工业为龙头 ,轻工业发达 ;苏北以采矿业为主 ,重工业规模较大。南轻北重的工业结构导致了经济发展的南优北劣 :苏南等地轻工业为社会积累了资本 ,带动了其他经济部门的发展 ,有利于接受发达地区的经济辐射 ,推动了社会进步。苏北重工业对本地区的积极作用有限 ,致使苏北经济滞后。南轻北重的工业结构又造成了经济运行的南北互补 :苏北向苏南等地提供燃料 ,开放市场 ;苏南等地向苏北输出资本和技术 ,树立榜样 ;
The most obvious structural difference of Jiangsu regional industry is that the north part was centered on prosperous light industry led by textile industry and the south was famous for its large scale heavy industry led by mining industry. This difference resulted in the superiority of the southern economy to the northern economy. The capital accumulated with the development of light industry pushed the development of other economic sectors, which was helpful to the reception of economic radiation from developed areas and to the social progress; the heavy industry in the north made little contribution to the regional economy which lagged behind the other areas. The difference also brought about the complementary economic development in the two regions, which promoted the economic development in Jiangsu as a whole. The north part supplied the south with fuel and market and the south provided the north with capital and technology.
Journal of Jiangnan University:Humanities & Social Sciences Edition
modern times
industrial structure