
用C语言实现洪水实时预报的最小二乘估计 被引量:4

Flood forecast using Minimal Multiplication Computation With C Program
摘要 介绍了一种在洪水预报的模型参数估计中常用的方法即衰减记忆递推最小二乘估计.该方法在计算机上是通过在C语言中设置循环变量来实现.从而达到充分利用信息,实时跟踪实测流量值的变化,不断对预报误差进行修正,以提高洪水预报精度的目的.此外,其通过人为给数据加权,利用已获得的所有观测数据来进行整批运算处理,从而得出新数据,达到重点突出当前数据的作用. A method for the flood forecast that is called minimal multiplication method is introduced in this article.With the help of the circular variable on C program,we can realize effectively the minimal multiplication method,so that we can correct the error of forecast continually and improve the precision of the forecast by (making) use of information and real time running after the changing of the parameter of the model.In the method,we multiply a datum between 0 and 1.0 so we can calculate wholly by the data we observed and (emphasize) the importance of the newest data.
出处 《南昌大学学报(工科版)》 CAS 2004年第2期86-89,共4页 Journal of Nanchang University(Engineering & Technology)
关键词 循环变量 最小二乘 衰减递推 the circular variable the minimal multiplication the damply passing consequence
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