千粒重是啤酒大麦重要的产量与品质性状。本研究通过来自全国各地的 10个品种在我国不同地区 8个试验点种植的结果分析 ,表明千粒重在品种间、地区间以及年度间均存在显著差异。两年平均 ,浙农大 6号和单二大麦分别为千粒重最高和最低的品种 ;8个试点中以荆州点的平均粒重最高 ,泰安点最低。
Grain weight is one of the most important characters closely related to both yield and quality in malting barley. The variation of grain weight was investigated by planting 10 barley cultivars from different areas in the 8 locations with wide difference in ecological and productive conditions for two successive years. The results showed that there was the significant difference in grain weight between years, and among cultivars and locations. On an average of two years, ZAU 6 and Danerbarley had the largest and lowest grain weight among 10 cultivars, respectively. Among the 8 locations, the largest and lowest grain weight happened at Jinzhou and Tiaan, respectively.
Barley Science