长期以来 ,作为否认侵华日军暴行的更进一步表现 ,日本不断有人对日军军风纪大加称赏。由于日方文献在战后遭到了大规模焚毁 ,而日本又一直有人不承认事发当时中国和西方文献的客观性 ,使得这一并不遥远的既成史案在日本成了混沌的疑谜。然而 ,即便据侵华日军仅存的第十军和中支那方面军法务部日志 (后者所录案件亦以第十军为主 )及近年面世的第十军法务部长日记等有限的文献 ,仍可证明日军所到之处进行了频繁的强奸、杀人、放火、抢劫 ,所谓日军军风纪特优的论调完全经不起日军自己留下的文献的检验。
For a long time, as a further step to deny atrocities committed by Japanese army in China, there has been a constant stream of Japanese people praising the Japanese army's bearing and discipline. Because Japanese records were largely burned and destroyed after World War II, and some Japanese people don't acknowledge the objectivity of contemporary Chinese and Western materials, in Japan this not so distant historical question has become an opaque mystery. However, based solely on the limited Japanese military materials left to us, such as the daily records of the military tribunal of the Tenth Army and the Central China Army (the latter also mainly records of cases of the Tenth Army), and the diary of the head of the Tenth Army's military tribunal, we can still confirm that Japanese soldiers committed many acts of rape, murder, arson and robbery. The view that the Japanese army always maintained good bearing and discipline is completely unsupported by the historical data left by the Japanese army.
Modern Chinese History Studies