The electron momentum spectroscopy of the inner valence orbitals 3a 1 and 2b 2 of methylene fluoride was studied by electron momentum spectroscopy(EMS). The experiment was performed using a high resolution(ΔE=1.15 eV FWHM, Δp=0.1 a.u.)(e,2e) EMS spectrometer. The experimental momentum profiles of these two orbitals are compared with those calculated by Hartree-Fork method and Density Functional Theory.
The electron momentum spectroscopy of the inner valence orbitals 3a 1 and 2b 2 of methylene fluoride was studied by electron momentum spectroscopy(EMS). The experiment was performed using a high resolution(ΔE=1.15 eV FWHM, Δp=0.1 a.u.)(e,2e) EMS spectrometer. The experimental momentum profiles of these two orbitals are compared with those calculated by Hartree-Fork method and Density Functional Theory.
ProjectsupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina (1985 4 0 0 2
19774 0 37
10 2 74 0 4 0 )