离岸市场是经营境外货币存、贷业务的市场 ,它在推进国际金融一体化的过程中发挥了巨大的作用 ,现已发展成为国际金融市场的重要组成部分 .随着中国宏观经济的不断走强 ,从长远看 ,人民币在亚洲乃至世界范围内的影响将随之扩大 ,人民币的国际化将成为不可逆转的潮流 ;同时 ,人民币国际化必将导致其资本项目可兑换的实现 .当然 ,人民币国际化是一个循序渐进的过程 ,而建立人民币离岸市场 ,将会对这一进程的稳步前进起到积极的作用 .
Foreign currencies deposited, loaned in off-shore markets, which facilitate integration of international finance greatly. Nowadays off-shore markets are important components of international financial markets. With the progress of China's macro economy, in long-run RMB will have strong influence in Asia as well as in the world. It's an irrevocable trend for RMB to be internationalization. Simultaneously it's a natural result that RMB's intermationalization will cause its capital account convertible finally. Of course all of those steps follow gradualism. Moreover it will influence a positive effect on such steps that an off-shore market will be constructed for RMB.
Journal of Ningxia Agricultural College