
知识匹配、知识转化和顾客价值 被引量:3

Knowledge Matching , Knowledge Transformation and Customer Value
摘要 从市场角度看,竞争优势表现为企业比竞争对手能提供更大的顾客价值,企业是否具备创造顾客价值的知识是建立竞争优势的关键,也即企业的现有知识能否与创造顾客价值所需的知识相匹配是企业培育竞争优势的起点。本文构建一个基于知识匹配视角的顾客价值创造模型,并分析该模型的作用机理,最后提出运用知识创新和知识转化创造顾客价值的对策建议。 Seen from the market point of view, competitive advantage stems from higher customer value, so whether a company has the knowledge about creating the customer value is the key to competitive advantage. That is to say, it is the first step of cultivating competitive advantage for a company to match the current knowledge with the knowledge needed. The paper sets a model of customer value based on knowledge matching, explains its action mechanism and finally presents the solution of creating customer value through knowledge innovation and management.
作者 胡旺盛
出处 《管理评论》 2004年第6期34-38,49,共6页 Management Review
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