The relation of Marxism to philosophy and science put forward by Karl Korsch. is indeed an ac-
ademic question. The tradition of seeking knowledge is peculiar to the West, and it transforms from
the conception of abstract and speculative philosophy as knowledge to the conception of empirical
and positive science as knowledge. This same transformation might be applied to the theoretical evo-
lution of Marxs'thought Up to the Deutsch -- Franzosische Jahrbucher, Marx had regarded philosophy
as knowledge. From Economic and Philosophy Manuscripts of 1844, Marx began to doubt philosophy
and praise science. In The German Ideology, Marx relinquished philosophy completely and regarded
science as the true knowledge, and claimed that his doctrine was science. In my opinion, Karl Ma-
rxs' thought is the doctrine standing between philosophy and science. Furthermore, I believe that this
opinion will be the basis of rethinking and reevaluating the theoretical charateristics of Marxs'doc-
Philosophical Research