康德曾说: 有两样东西,我们愈经常愈持久地加以思索,它们就愈使心灵充满日新月异、有加 无已的景仰和敬畏:在我之上的星空和居我心中的道德法则。(康德,2000年,第177 页)这是康德《实践理性批判》中的一句话,也是康德的墓志铭。今天,在纪念康德逝世200周年之际,我们在追溯康德道德哲学对近现代人类的启迪时,对这句话中的道德部分加以重新诠释,并以此来怀念这位“睥睨古人、下开百世” 的思想家,具有特殊的意义。
This paper includes three parts. Firstly, it inquires into the three postulates of Kant's practical reasons and points out the importance of moral veneration by Kant's
moral philosophy. Secondly, it discusses the in heritage and criticism of Kant's moral
philosophy by the western philosophy in 19th century, and analyzes the rationality and
limitation of this criticism. Thirdly, through eliminating the heritage and development
of Kant's moral philosophy by Neo-kantism, it discusses the position of the moral
value of Neo--kantism and its theoretical meanings. Finally, this paper comes to a
conclusion that the moral consciousness is indispensable in the construction of material
progress and cultura and ethical progress.
Philosophical Research