
水分胁迫对冬小麦根、冠生长关系及产量的影响 被引量:52

Effects of Water Stress on Root/Shoot Relation and Grain Yield in Winter Wheat
摘要 以冬小麦品种北农 10号为材料 ,研究了水分胁迫效应对作物根、冠生长关系及产量的影响。结果表明 ,冬小麦根、冠间存在异速生长关系 ,导致根冠比随植株发育进程而呈指数下降。根、冠间的这种异速生长关系可用模型y =a +bx表示 ,y代表根干重的自然对数 ,x代表冠干重的自然对数 ,a为截距 ,b为线性回归系数。水分条件不足时 ,b值减小 ,根、冠的异速生长明显 ;水分胁迫后复水 ,b值增加 ,根、冠生长的异速性减小 ,趋于协调。在本试验条件下 ,水分胁迫对冬小麦穗数的影响基本上表现为正效应 ,而对每穗粒数、千粒重、产量及WUE的影响则全部为负效应。在各水分胁迫处理中 ,拔节至孕穗阶段中度水分胁迫抽穗期复水的冬小麦 ,由于受胁迫时间较短 ,因而产量最高 ,达到充分供水对照的6 2 %。 The effects of treatments of different soil moisture and duration on root/shoot relation and the grain yield in winter wheat were studied by the potted experiment of cultivars BeiNong 10 in greenhouse at the scientific experimental areas of China Agricultural University in 2000. The dry weights of root and shoot for every pot were measured. Samples were taken once every 7 days and 18 sample plants were taken every time. In the end, all organs and yields were measured after harvest. According to the experimental data, and based on the differences during the growth and development of winter wheat before and after rewatering, the root/shoot relation and the responses of the yield to water stress were analyzed. The results indicated that there was a exponential decline in root∶shoot ratio of winter wheat with the increase in plant growth. The decrease in root∶shoot ratio came from an allometric growth between root and shoot, which could be expressed by the following equation: y=a+bx Where y is the natural logarithm of the root dry weight, x is the natural logarithm of the shoot dry weight, a is the intercept and b is the linear regression coefficient. The allometric growth effect of root and shoot was distinct under water stress condition(value of b diminished), but it became not so obvious often the recovery of watering (value of b increased), and the growth of root and shoot was harmonious. Water stress had a positive effect on the plant spike number, and the negative effects on the grain number per spike, 1 000-grain weight, grain yield and water use efficiency. The treatments rewatered at the heading stage after moderate water stress from the jointing stage to the booting stage had the best effects on grain yield which was up to 62% of the CK grown under 80% of soil relative moisture at whole growth stage.
出处 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第7期723-728,共6页 Acta Agronomica Sinica
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 (G19990 1170 9) 国家自然科学基金项目 ( 4 99710 42 )。
关键词 水分胁迫 冬小麦 根冠关系 产量 Water stress Winter wheat Root and shoot relation Grain yield
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