
国外关于自我妨碍的研究进展 被引量:56

New Overseas Development in Self-handicapping Research
摘要 在成就情境中,当个体面临可能失败的结果时,出于对自我价值和自我呈现的关心可能会使用自我妨碍策略。自我妨碍从情感调节角度讲是一种适应性策略,但从对成就表现的影响角度讲,则是一种非适应性策略,它导致低的成就并产生更大的自我妨碍需要。 Ability is the center of self-worth. In an achievement situation, when individuals face a possible failure, they may use self-handicapping strategies for purposes of self-worth protection and self-presentation. From the point of emotion regulation, self-handicapping is an adaptation strategy. However, it is not an adaptation strategy for achievement performance. It will lead to low achievement and more requirement of self-handicapping.
出处 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第4期131-136,共6页 Journal of Northeast Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
基金 全国教育科学"十五"规划重点课题(项目批号:DBA010165) 教育部人文社会科学研究"十五"规划课题(项目号:01JA880055)
关键词 自我妨碍 自我调控 自尊 印象整饰 self-handicapping self-regulation self-esteem impression management
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