In pace with the extension of the mulch seeding.It is necessary to develop a new type of no-till mulch seeder for further improving its performance.Four linkages profiling mechanism,air-suc- tion seed-metering system and V type press wheel are the main parts of the no-till mulch seeder.These main parts were designed,calculated and tested both in the laboratory and in the field .The results of field experiments in comparison with two types of the no-till mulch seeder(second and third generation) showed that the performance of 2BQM-6A(third generation)are better than the second generation.This 2BQM-6A no-till mulch seeder was passed the appraisal by China Agricultural Machinery Centre and has been produced in batch process since 1991.
no-till mulch seeder
four linkages profiling mechanism
seed guiding tube