市场机制对资源配置具备基础性作用 ,政府有必要进行社会规制。政府进行社会规制有其经济理由和社会理由 ,经济理由针对的是“市场失灵”所导致的市场效率的损失 ,社会理由针对的是市场主体对人类“整体利益“的侵害。政府进行社会规制的最终目标是要在保证人类“可生存性”基础上去追求资源配置高效率和社会公平。
Market mechanism plays a basic part on resources allocation. At present, it is necessary for governments to regulate the society. There are economic reasons and social reasons for regulation. The former is about the efficiency loss from 'market failures' and the latter is about the trespass to integrated gains .Their final aim is to ensure 'liveabilities' and keep market efficiency and fair society.
Journal of Taizhou University