
部分判决的OSIC:一种改进的VBLAST解码算法 被引量:2

Partial Decision OSIC:a Modified Detection Algorithm for VBLAST
摘要 VBLAST的传统译码算法:排序连续干扰抵消OSIC(Ordered Successive Interference-Cancellation),与最优译码算法:最大似然(Maximum Likelihood,ML)比较,虽然降低了复杂度,但其译码性能却相差较远。该文提出了一种改进的OSIC的译码算法:部分判决的排序干扰抵消算法(PartialDecision OSIC)。该算法在各层的判决中增加候选判决符号,并且在最后一层的判决中使用了最大似然检测,从而提高了译码的性能。从仿真结果可以看出,该算法比传统的VBLAST译码算法性能有较大的提高。 Ordered Successive Interference Cancellation (OSIC), the conventional detection algorithm for VBLAST, decreases the complexity, comparing with the Maximum Like lihood (ML), but its performance is much worse than that of ML. In this paper, Partial Decision OSIC (PD_OSIC), a modified detection algorithm is presented for VBLAST. It increases the number of candidate decision symbols and uses ML detection in the last layer, so it improves the detection performance. The simulation results show that the algorithm proposed gets far better performance than OSIC.
出处 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期760-765,共6页 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
基金 芬兰诺基亚移动电话公司资助项目
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