锰主要侵害基底神经节 ,选择性损伤多巴胺能神经元 ,其机制可能与神经细胞内自由基的产生、线粒体功能受损及钙稳态失调等有关。长期接触低浓度锰可能对工人神经系统产生有害的影响 。
Manganese mainly damages the basal ganglia and selectively makes dopami nergic dysfunction and neuronal loss.Its mechanism may be associated with free r adical generation, mitochondrial dysfunction and calcium homeostasis inbalance i n neurocytes and so on. Because long-term exposure to low-concentration mangan es e may have adverse effects on nervous system of worker,detecting early relevant biomarkers in peripheral tissues plays an important role in prevention and treat ment of manganese neurotoxicity.
Railway Occupational Safety Health & Environmental Protection