探讨哲学与科学怎样可能 ,实质上就是追问哲学与科学的惟一可能的基础和源泉 ,就是论证哲学与科学赖以存在的惟一可能的根据即本体依据 ,因而也是揭示哲学与科学的本质。按照唯物史观 ,人首先“必须能够生活” ,然后才能研究哲学与科学。因此 ,人及其生活就是哲学与科学赖以存在的惟一可能的本体依据 ,因而也是哲学与科学的惟一本质。反之 ,只要离开人的存在 ,哲学与科学就会异化 ,就会神化。哲学与科学作为人脑的产物 ,本身就是人类智慧的结晶 ,就具有认识必然的自由本质。这就决定了哲学与科学的根本目的、根本价值和最高宗旨始终是为了人类的自由和解放。
The issue of how philosophy and science can be is to disclose their nature. Materialism maintains that human has to survive,and then is able to study philosophy and science. Therefore,human,together with its life,is the only possible ontological basis on which philosophy and science rely,and thus the only nature of them. Philosophy and science,as product of human mind,and crystal of human intelligence,are endowed with the nature of knowing necessity. This determines their basic target,value and purpose: for human's freedom and Liberation.
Journal of Yuncheng University