针对现有AC PDP驱动电路产生波形不够灵活的缺点,基于隔离变压器耦合的思想,采用模块化、层次式的设计方法,设计并实现了一种新型的驱动电路。经理论分析、计算机模拟和实际测试,此电路能够实现控制信号的传递,产生正确的输出,并能够产生宽脉冲、窄脉冲、斜坡脉冲、负脉冲等信号。
Based on the isolation transformer coupling, a novel driving circuit for AC-PDP was developed to improve the flexibility of the present driving circuits. This driving circuit can accurately transfer control pulse and provide correct output. After theoretical analysis and circuits simulation, the driving waveform generating circuits were designed and implemented and it can generate several types of driving waveforms, such as wide pulse, narrow pulse, ramp pulse, negative pulse, etc.
Vacuum Electronics