
40岁以下急性心肌梗塞的临床分析 被引量:5

Clinical Analysis of Acute Myocardial infarction in Patients Under 40 Years Old
摘要 对协作组1987~1991年收治的急性心肌梗塞(AMI)病例中62例小于40岁者进行了分析,占全组1.5%,男女之比为19.7:1。与同期收治的40~59岁病例比较,有吸烟史者明显高(85.5%:54.6%),有心绞痛者明显低(29.0%:51.3%)。梗塞部位、并发症与病死率无显著性差异。提出对冠心病AMI的预防(包括二级预防)应自青年时期开始。 62 cases of acute myocardial infarction patients under 40 years old of the Beijing collaborative study group on coronary heart disease since 1987 to 1991 were analysed. This group was 1.5% of total AMI cases and the ratio of male and female was 17.9: 1. In comparison with the cases aged 40~59 years old, there were more cases with history of smoking (85.5% vs 54.6%) and less with angina (29% vs 51.3%). There were no significant differences between two groups in the location of infarction, complication and morality. The authors emphasiz that the prevention (including secondary prevention) of coronary disease and AMI should be started in young age.
出处 《北京医学》 CAS 北大核心 1993年第6期321-323,共3页 Beijing Medical Journal
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