目的 探讨医用高分子纤维增强材料修补颅骨缺损手术方法并评估其效果。方法 医用高分子纤维增强材料修补颅骨缺损 15 4例 ,其中 65例采用常规的覆盖式方法修补 ,89例采用骨槽镶嵌方法和改良式覆盖方法修补。结果 常规的覆盖式修补组有 2例合并头皮溃疡并感染 ,3例骨瓣移位 ,7例皮下积液 ,并发症出现率为 18.5 %。改良的覆盖式修补组和骨槽镶嵌组术后 6例皮下积液 ,并发症出现率为 6.7% ,其中骨槽镶嵌组美容效果最为满意。结论 医用高分子纤维增强材料是一种性价比高的颅骨修补材料 ,采用适当的颅骨修补方法能取得满意的临床效果。
Objective To discuss the surgical procedures and evaluate the related clinical effectiveness. Methods 154 patients with skull defects were treated by operations using enhanced medical fibro-macromolecular material of which 65 cases received normal covering cranioplasty, the other 89 cases were done in groove-enchasing cranioplasty and improved covering cranioplasty. Results In the normal treated group, 2 patients were complicated by skin ulcer, 3 patients by material floating, 7 patients by subcutaneous effusion and the rate of complications accounted for 18.5%. In contrast group, six patients were complicated by subcutaneous effusion, and the rate of complications was 6.7%. Conclusions The enhanced medical fibro-macromolecular material is a kind of valuable material in cranioplasty. And utilizing proper method to treat with skull defects can receive satisfactory results.
Medical Journal of West China
Macromolecular material