目的 :了解血清总胆汁酸 (TBA)在各种肝病的含量变化及TBA与常规肝功能的关系。方法 :对本院 2 5 8例肝病的血清TBA、TB、TP、ALT、AST测定资料进行回顾性分析。结果 :急性肝炎起病1周内 ,所有患者TBA浓度明显增高。在慢性肝病中TBA含量及异常率依次递增为慢肝轻度、慢肝中重度、肝硬化、慢性重症肝炎、淤胆型肝炎。同时TBA在各种肝病的异常率高于常规肝功能检查。结论 :TBA特异性高 ,敏感性尚可 ,测定TBA含量的变化 ,有助于各种肝病的诊断、病情变化的观察、疗效的判断和预后的估计。
Objective:Understand the total bile acid (TBA) contents in different kinds of liver diseases as well as the relationship of TBA and conventional liver function.Methods:Review the 258 cases of liver diseases in our hospital and analyze the determinant data of their Serum TBA.TB.TP.ALT and AST. Results:Acute liver diseases flara up within one week .the TBA consistency of all the patients is obviously vising .while as to chronic liver diseases. The TBA consistency and abnormal data are increasing in following. Order: slight chronic hepatitis. mid-heavy chronic hepatitis. crirrhosis. Chronic serious hepatitis. cholestatic hepatitis what's more. The abnormal rate of TBA is higher than conventional liver function. Conclusion:The TBA abnormality is high and sensitivity is proper. Determinating the changes of TBA contents helps to diagnose different kinds of liver diseases observe the changes of the disease. choose the treatment and estimate the recovery.
Hebei Medicine
Total bile acid
Liver diseases