如何在更新改造中继承与保护校园优秀的历史文化风貌特色 ,并将其融入当代校园环境中 ,延续其应有的生命力 ,成为校园可持续发展中不容回避的重要问题 .结合华南理工大学旧体育馆改造设计 ,借鉴“有机更新”理论 ,在改造设计的过程中 ,从整体的角度出发 ,针对不同部位的具体情况认真分析 ,提出相应的解决方法 ,采取不同的改造强度 ,使其既满足新的使用要求 ,又保留其原有建筑风格特色 ,并在延续和完善外部场所空间方面 ,也作了有益的探讨 .
The inheritance, protection, and prolong of the historical and cultural characters of the campus is an important issue in the campus' sustainable development. In the renewal and reform design of the old gym of South China University of Technology, this paper tried to refer to the “Organic Renewal” theory and provide an integral solution to this issue. The design carefully considered the situation and requirement of the different part of the gym, provided different solution and renewal extent to every part, and put some effort on the improvement of the outer space.