目的 建立高效液相色谱法测定安乃近的含量。方法 采用Accuil C1 8色谱柱 ,甲醇∶水 (6 0∶4 0 )为流动相 ,2 31nm为检测波长 ,室温下对安乃近片中安乃近进行含量测定。结果 安乃近在 4 0 4~ 4 0 4mg·L-1 范围内 ,峰面积与其浓度线性关系良好 (r=0 9999) ;样品平均回收率为 99 87% ,精密度RSD为 1 2 1 %。结论 该法简便、快速。
AIM The HPLC method was established for the determination of metamizole sodium in metamizole sodium tablets. METHODS The condition of HPLC was Accuil C 18 column(15 mm×4 6 mm, 5 μm), the mobile phase was methanol water(60∶40) and the flow rate 0 8 ml·min -1 . The UV detection wavelength was 231 nm and column temperature was room temperature. RESULTS The standard curve was linear in the range of 4 04~40 4 mg·L -1 of metamizole sodium with correlation coefficient of 0 999 9 ( n=6 ), the average recovery was 99 87% and the precision(RSD) was 1 21%. CONCLUSION The method was simple, quick and specific.
Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal