目的 观察 β -七叶皂甙钠对大鼠局部脊髓损伤后血脊屏障通透性改变以及局部组织水肿抑制性的干预作用。方法 通过静脉注射偶氮蓝 (EB) ,紫外分光光度计测量其在脊髓中的含量 ,判断相邻脊髓微循环的变化。切取损伤部位脊髓组织 ,应用电子天平测量标本干、湿重量 ,根据ElliottandJasper公式计算出干预前后水含量的变化。结果 β -七叶皂甙钠预处理后 ,损伤脊髓组织的水含量及EB含量均较对照组明显降低。 结论 静脉注射 β-七叶皂甙钠能抑制由于急性挤压损伤导致的大鼠脊髓血脊屏障通透性增加并由此导致的组织水肿的形成 ,因此 β -七叶皂甙钠对于急性脊髓损伤具有潜在治疗作用。
Objective To investigate the inhibitory effect of Sodium Aescinate (SA) on hyper- permeability of rat blood-spinal cord barrier and edema formation after a focal spinal cord injuries (SCI).Methods A focal SCI to induce widespread microenvironmental disturbance was produced in rats. The altered condition of microcirculation in the spinal cord adjacent to the SCI was studied by determining its content of Evane blue (EB). A segment of the spinal cord adjacent of the SCI was weighed wet and dry to calculate its water content to describe the extent of the resultant edema by using Elliott-Jasperi formula. Results After pretreatment with SA (0.5 mg/kg iv),the water and EB contents of the injured spinal cord were apparently decreased, as compared with that of the untreated group, and were similar to those of the group pretreated with methylprednisolone. Conclusion The results suggest that SA could inhibit the hyper-permeability of injured spinal cord due to the leak of blood-spinal cord barrier and the edema formation after early SCI. Therefore SA may have certain potential therapeutic effect for acute SCI in clinic.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Xuzhou
江苏省中医药管理局资助项目 (995 4 )