

OCCURRENCE OF RED TIDE Killer Algae Blooms in East Sea Coast
摘要 每年4月中下旬和5月上旬,是长江口、杭州湾东部海域赤潮灾害频发阶段,浙江沿海地区、特别是海岛地区深受其害.最近发生的一次较大规模的赤潮是在刚刚过去的5月上旬,波及舟山附近约2000平方公里的海域,被海洋监测部门认定为特大赤潮灾害,这也是今年我国进入赤潮高发期以来的最大一起赤潮灾害事件. Most people would say the sea is blue and green. But the people who live near the Changjiangkou and the east sea of Hangzhouwan as well as the Taizhou area of Zhejiang Province and the Danshan City may say it is red. In China, red tides usually happen in April and May, the seawater in these areas have been a red color. Especially, in the Danshan sea area, nearly 2000 square kilometers seawater is red. And scientists say it may stay that way for some time. It is the most serious Red Tide disaster this year.It is not people who caused the color change, but very small living things in the sea. They are algae and protozoa. They come in many different colors: red, yellow or brown. Some even give off light by themselves. If too many of these colorful living things get together in one place, the sea turns different colors. Red is the easiest of those colors to see, so when this happens, people call it a 'red tide'. Those living things do more than change the color of the water. They also put poison and muc eir brains. And too much mucus in the sea fills up fish's gills, so they can't breathe. Red tides can be bad for people, too. We shouldn't eat fish from red-tide waters. The algae get inside of fish, and it smells bad. It can make your eyes water! And if people eat fish with too much algae inside, they could die.here aren't many good ways to stop red tides. For local fishermen, the red tide is a tragedy. The poison kills large numbers of fish every time. Some of those fish are highly-prized. No one really knows what causes red tides. Some experts believe it's high temperatures combined with a lack of wind and rain. The only way to fight it is with large amounts of rain and strong offshore winds that can break up the algae. Unfortunately, humans can control neither of these forces.
作者 田雄 鲁国夫
出处 《绿色中国(公众版)》 2004年第06M期30-31,共2页
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