基本建设工程是一项投资大、建设周期长、参与主体多 ,涉及面广的风险行业 ,为减少和转移风险可能给自身带来的损失 ,通常采取对工程和人员投保 ,将风险转移到保险公司 ,保证工程由于意外事故或自然力所造成的损失得到一定程度的补偿。此文根据某桥投保及索赔实践 ,阐述了工程保险中需要注意的事项 ,避免投保决策失误 ,以争取最大限度的赔付 ,减少风险损失。
Capital construction engineering is a trade involving large investment, long construction cycle, several key participants and embracing a wide range of sectors. In order to reduce the loss possibly brought to itself due to the passing of risk, the contractor,t usually gets the project and its personnel insured to pass the risk to the insurance company, which in turn will pay a certain compensation for the project in case an accident happens accidentally or out of the will of god. This article, based on the practice of dealing with insurance and claims, describes the caution in engineering insurance to avoid committing blunders in decision making on insurance in a bid to strive for the maximum compensation possible and lessen the loss derived from the risk.
Railway Engineering Cost Management
Engineering, insurance, claim