毛泽东是我国新民主主义宪政的伟大开拓者。在新民主主义革命时期 ,毛泽东对新民主主义宪政进行了五次积极的探索和实践。国民革命时期 ,毛泽东的新民主主义宪政思想就具有了雏形。土地革命时期 ,毛泽东的新民主主义宪政思想和实践有了初步模式———《中华苏维埃共和国宪法大纲》和“中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府”。抗日战争时期 ,毛泽东在许多著作中深刻阐述了关于新民主主义宪政的思想 ,在实践中建立了抗日民主政权 ,制定了抗日民主政权的施政纲领。抗日战争胜利后一段时期 ,毛泽东与中共中央对和平宪政作了有益的探索。解放战争时期 ,毛泽东的新民主主义宪政思想已经成熟 ,突出标志就是《论人民民主专政》的发表和《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》的制定和实施。毛泽东的新民主主义宪政思想发展了马克思主义宪政学说 ,是中国宪政史上的一个里程碑。
Mao Ze-dong is a great vanguard of Chinese New Democratic Doctrine Constitutionalism.During New Democratic Doctrine reform,Mao Ze-dong made poitive exploration and practice of five times about New Democratic Doctrine Coctrine constitutionalism though of Mao Ze-dong had yet germinated During the reform of Land Law period,New Democratie Doctrine Constitutionalism thought of Mao Ze-dong had shown its embryonic form,and the outstaneling symbol was Chinese Soviet Republic Charter Synopsis.During the war of resisting Japanese period,New Democratic Doctrine Constitutionalism thought of Mao Zedong had already formed and been put into practice.After the period when the war of resisting Japanese succeeded,Mao Ze-dong and the Central Committee of the Comwunist Party of China made useful exploration about Peace Constitutionalism.During the liberation war period,New Democratic Doctrine Constitutionalism thought of Mao Ze-dong had already been mature.Its outstanding symbol was not only the publish of The dissertation of Citizen democracy dictatorship but also the formulation and implement of The Common Program of Chinese People's Policy Consult Conference.New Democratic Doctrine Constitutionalism thought of Mao Ze-dong developed Marxism Constitutionalism Theory and was also an milestone of Chinese constitutionalism history.
Journal of Anshan Normal University
Mao Ze-dong
New Democracy
Doctrine Constitutionalism