1990年代关于人权与主权关系的辩论建构了两者之间的二元对立。但无论是根据国际法准则 ,还是从西方思想史和中国革命史的逻辑来看 ,人权与主权都是同一的 ,即统一于“人民主权”论。之所以会出现人权与主权孰高的命题 ,是因为发生了学理上的混乱和法理上的糊涂 ;如果引入“政权”项 ,这种对立结构便可完全被消解。
In the 1990s, the relationship between human rights and national sovereignty has become a controversial duality. However, international legal perspectives, the history of western thoughts, as well as the history of Chinese revolution all attested to the fact that human rights and national sovereignty are in congruity; the bridging concept is “popular sovereignty” . This article argues that the source of the controversies lies in the intellectual and juridical inability, which could be resolved by introducing the factor of “regime.”
Academic Exploration