街头诈骗已成为当前扰乱社会治安的多发犯罪,其规律及特点是:作案地点有选择,作案手 段多样,作案团伙化、跨区域,侵害对象明确。打击街头诈骗犯罪要从防范工作入手,完善诸警联动、快 速反应机制,做到防得严密,打击及时。
The street bilk has become a kind of frequently-happened crime which disordered the public security presently, whose regular characteristics are as follows: There's an option for places of committing the crimes ; The perpetrating means are different; Commit crimes in gangs and crossing areas; The intruding object is definite. Beating the street bilk crimes should begin with prevention, perfect all police union, rapid react system and make sure to prevent strictly and strike in time.
Journal of Jilin Public Secunity Academy